Build software with humans

Well tested, continuously delivered

As long as it has a testing framework, we'll be fine. Throughout our careers, we've worked in a plethora of different programming languages and we managed to get up to speed in no time.

We do have our preferences, but they always depend on the requirements and the context we're working in. We prefer pairing anyways, so if one of us or someone from your team knows the language, we'll be produtive from day one.

What you'll find anyways, is that we deploy hourly, not weekly. Even on Fridays, because we're confident in what we're shipping. We also always strive to slice a feature so we deliver value as soon as possible.

If the tools work for you, they'll work for us. If you need help deciding, we've got some ideas and we'll happily train you and your team so you can eventually continue without us.

Languages & Frameworks

This is just an excerpt of our collective work experience. We found our practices to be applicable in every language and every framework we worked with so far, and we're up to speed in a new language in no time

On the JVM, we've deployed small microservices in Clojure using Components, wrote our own event-sourced monolith in Scala and spent a fair share of our time putting Spring applications written in Java and Kotlin under test.

In the browser window, we've written testing libraries for redux, build customer projects in vanilla JS, gave workshops and taught clients React and KnockoutJS and delivered toolsets and libraries written in TypeScript.

On servers and on your machine, we've developed desktop apps in Qt/C++, webapps and backend services written in Ruby, Python and NodeJS, and tied everything together using Make, Bash, sed and awk ;)

Logo of Java Logo of Kotlin Logo of PHP Logo of C# Logo of Python Logo of Ruby Logo of Scala Logo of JavaScript Logo of Clojure Logo of React

Continuous Integration/Delivery

More importantly, we have extensive knowledge in putting the systems written in the languages above under test and know how to deliver them

We make sure our software works, by setting up CI systems on GitLab, Travis CI and GitHub. Our testing approaches are aligned with the testing pyramid, so expect plenty of unit tests, appropiate integration tests and extensive acceptance tests. There might be an occasional smoke test as well, as we don't want the canary birds to feel left out.

We delivered software, using kubernetes, ansible and bash. If there's a faster way to deliver it to you, we'll use that one. If the product doesn't need a backend, we'll deploy it to a CDN like netlify (like this page).

Logo of GitLab Logo of GitHub Logo of Travis Logo of CircleCI Logo of Kubernetes Logo of Docker Logo of Ansible