Humans of w/humans
Benjamin Reitzammer
Frankfurt am Main -
Tech-allrounder with 20 years of experience as a Software Engineer, -Architect. Has held multiple lead positions over the last 10 years, most recently as CTO of fintech-startup vaamo.
Experienced in fostering empathetic teams and continuous improvement cultures.

Christoph Neuroth
12 years of experience as a software developer, coach and consultant working with teams and organizations from just two to thousands of employees in the architecture, insurance, ecommerce and consumer electronics domains

Raimo Radczewski
Berlin -
Software Engineer (JavaScript, Java, Scala, C#, Clojure) with ten years experience in both small startups and large enterprises.
Experienced XP- and Agile-Coach, eager to shorten every feedback loop in product development teams and never hesitant to go the extra mile to build a mindful and empathetic team culture.

Thank you Wouter for taking these lovely photos at SoCraTes 2019!