Our Story

We, that is Raimo, Chris and Benjamin, first met each other at a conference. SoCraTes to be exact. We learned from and about each other and kept in touch through our involvement in the software crafting community and latest by meeting again at the yearly SoCraTes.

Three figures, standing side-by-side

Soon enough, we got the chance to work together on a project, and we took it. It was there that we found out that we not only enjoyed working together and that we worked together well, but most importantly that we also had similar views on the people-side of how tech products should be built.

Fundamentally, it was clear to us, that people should always be front and center. All our endeavors and the practices we employ and teach should all be oriented towards this simple fact.

After going our own ways for some time, we got back together in 2018 and schemed how our ideal workplace would look like and how the three of us could start making it a reality. We wanted to show the world that pairing technical excellence with a human-centric organisation, an organisation that will always put its workers first, can make a difference for the better. This is what became with humans’ vision.